Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Business Man
I love the design of this shirt, how the two themes come together, the colour selections, and the ideas. I love the contrast between the off-white with the black designs and the small pops of colour in the tie and lenses. ...I also love gas masks.

First and foremost, fancy mustaches make me really happy. I find it neat and creative how the entire design is made up with mustaches. I also like the use of positive and negative space. It's a fun t-shirt design overall.

"That Was Bad"

I find the say pretty amusing, how nonchalant it all seems. I like the colour contrast and the use of typography to make it an interesting and fun design. (from

"Why So Curious?"

 This shirt combines three of my favourite things: Curious George, The Joker, and the colour yellow. I like the unlikely combination between the two ideas and how nicely it fit with the wordplay. (from

"Zombie Identification Chart"

Zombies. Zombies are awesome. The chart is pretty great and the addition of the "Thriller" zombie really makes the shirt amusing. I like the way the "blood spatter" pops against the black-and-white design. (from

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