Thursday, June 16, 2011

Final Project

Raindrops Fallin'

"Raindrops Fallin'"
June 16, 2011
Final Project

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Business Man
I love the design of this shirt, how the two themes come together, the colour selections, and the ideas. I love the contrast between the off-white with the black designs and the small pops of colour in the tie and lenses. ...I also love gas masks.

First and foremost, fancy mustaches make me really happy. I find it neat and creative how the entire design is made up with mustaches. I also like the use of positive and negative space. It's a fun t-shirt design overall.

"That Was Bad"

I find the say pretty amusing, how nonchalant it all seems. I like the colour contrast and the use of typography to make it an interesting and fun design. (from

"Why So Curious?"

 This shirt combines three of my favourite things: Curious George, The Joker, and the colour yellow. I like the unlikely combination between the two ideas and how nicely it fit with the wordplay. (from

"Zombie Identification Chart"

Zombies. Zombies are awesome. The chart is pretty great and the addition of the "Thriller" zombie really makes the shirt amusing. I like the way the "blood spatter" pops against the black-and-white design. (from

Friday, May 20, 2011

Friday, May 6, 2011


Chimera Project
May 6, 2011

"The humoceros is an incredibly rare type of bird found flit around the plains of Africa and South American rainforests. They fly at incredible speeds, but are hindered by their poor eyesight. They use their sense of smell to find food, mainly feeding of the nectar of flowers, and must feed every hour, or they suffer from starvation. The males use their horns--not beaks, horns--to fight against other males for the right to meet with the female humoceros. Humoceros birds do not have a song or melody, but instead use a series of grunts, whines, and an odd "mmwonk" sound to communicate with other individuals of their species."

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


"Sticks and Stones"

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will last forever."
Physical scars heal eventually, emotional scars take much longer.
Think before you speak.
Think of the damage you might be doing.
Stop abuse. 

Friday, March 11, 2011

Photoshop Tutorial: Photo-to-Stencil

 Before                                                                                    After

I was able to turn a photo into a stencil in a matter of minutes with this tutorial:

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Line and Texture

The Photographer
Line and Texture
March 9, 2011
Artist's Statement: "When you look at a photograph, do you wonder if there is more beyond the surface? Is it just a pretty picture or is it telling an entire story? What was the photographer trying to tell the viewers? Was there more to his reason than just taking a picture? What was he feeling when he captured the moment? Did it serve as self-expression, a release of emotions, an escape from reality, or the result of an imagination running wild? Is the meaning obvious or is it up to the viewer to decide and create? A picture says a thousand words. Will you listen to its story?"