Friday, March 11, 2011

Photoshop Tutorial: Photo-to-Stencil

 Before                                                                                    After

I was able to turn a photo into a stencil in a matter of minutes with this tutorial:

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Line and Texture

The Photographer
Line and Texture
March 9, 2011
Artist's Statement: "When you look at a photograph, do you wonder if there is more beyond the surface? Is it just a pretty picture or is it telling an entire story? What was the photographer trying to tell the viewers? Was there more to his reason than just taking a picture? What was he feeling when he captured the moment? Did it serve as self-expression, a release of emotions, an escape from reality, or the result of an imagination running wild? Is the meaning obvious or is it up to the viewer to decide and create? A picture says a thousand words. Will you listen to its story?"